Ultimate Future Comix Jam (Maximum Traffic #179)
Listing Details
Series Tag(s)
Writers / Artists
Carrie McNinch, Steve Willis, Matt Feazell, Paul Krassner, Steve Lafler, Delaine Derry Green, Josh Simmons, Jean-Guy Brin, Steve Skeates, Mary Siler Anderson, Mike Hill, Maximum Traffic, Yul Tolbert, Aleksandar Zograf (Saša Rakezić), Joel Orff, Don Busky, John Bergstrom, Tim Winkelman, Gewbie Gew, Eric Schaller, Darryl Cunningham, Clark Dissmeyer, John Miller, Spaz, Sean Bieri, Carol Pond, Tim Weldzius, Edward Bolman, Jim Cameron, Mark Campos, Jeff Zenick
Page Count (including covers in most cases)
Cover color
Interior color
Binding Type
AKA Maximum Traffic #179.
Published in the late '90s? Possibly the last publication from Maximum Traffic?
Characters appearing in artwork (might be original to the issue or reprinted material)
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